Monday, September 14, 2009

a little change of plans(at ACI)

It’s crazy, it’s ridiculous and it’s frustrating. Yes, there is a little change of plans here at ACI.

You see, Mr.P seemed like a nice guy. However, I didn’t even get a chance to talk to him before being stopped at the administration office.

A whole bundle of things happened today. First of all, we were supposed to do an announcement today(Approved by Mr.Carauna) to kick start our campaign. However, Mohit came in late, making us unable to do it this morning. That is when the hall monitor(forgot her name) stopped me. Saying that I cannot do an announcement because it is not through an official club. After explain what I was doing and handing her our mission statement, she “praised” me(its great, its fantastic blah blah), but I knew something a “but” is coming next.

She also pointed out that I cannot do an official book sale in ACI because writer’s block also sells books… Basically, she is saying that I am in competition with the Writer’s block.

Competition???? SERIOUSLY?

Um, first of all, I believe this is a free market economy. Only competition is able to make our society better with more motivation to do better things. However, in our school, it seemed like everything going on is just controlled by one staff member (not even the principal).

That is that even my point. But think about it. She is denying me of doing charitable work because there is competition? Competition for Charity? Are you kidding me???

No worries though, the book sale will still take place! I just won’t be doing any official sales inside ACI with at table set up with official promotions such as announcements, posters. But I still can sell them personally to you guys, the teacher etc. Sometime late September I will be going around in the school holding a bunch of books and an envelope along with the help my friends, doing the fundraiser. So, you can just pick up the book through us basically.

Since there won’t be an official sale, I need your help. Whether it is 5, 10 or 20 books that you are willing to help me fundraise, it will be awesome. You will also become part of our organization ;D. Contact us, and tell us about how are you gonna help, we will probably have a meeting at the cafe with all the people helping sometime early October, we will talk about that later.

Of course, this whole organization is more community oriented. Unable to hold an official sale at ACI is just a slight bother on my part and wont change the grand scheme of things. I think 300 books are still doable in our school with you guys’ help.

I will be discussing this whole thing with our principal eventually, but for now, here is the plan.

It’s really really ridiculous; After getting the support of Unicef, writing out the whole book and printed it out, I can’t even do a official sale of charity fundraiser at my OWN SCHOOL for a community orientated charity organization. But I guess I just have to cope with it.

Stay Tuned. And just contact me which ever way possible. I will appreciate any kind of support.

PS: to those who isn’t going to ACI, I’ll have more details about

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