Friday, August 27, 2010

Where was I?

Short answer: I've been studying.

Over the last 2 weeks or so, I've been able to prove empirically( not mathematically yet!) that I am indeed able to sit down, and study for more than 2 hours. Not only weren't I mentally handicapped, I am able to accelerate in my race of knowledge. I finished half of Physics, Chemistry and Biology as well as almost all of Calculus.

What can I say? I masted the life as a nerd.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Limit as X approaches infinity

"Even mathematically, we can model a number that only approaches infinity. This simply proves that there is something beyond our grasp; something irrational in our effort to try to rationalize everything in the meta-physical world. "

You probably had seen this quote bouncing around your facebook news feed for the last few days. This is probably one of the highlight quotes coming from Chapter 1 of Infinity, and perhaps even the whole book. If you have a little knowledge in calculus, you should know what I'm talking about here. I'll leave the rest of the interpretation to you guys( which is actually my intention here).

Speaking of calculus, AP calculus next year will be a super nerd-fest. I was slightly disappointed when comp-sci was no longer in conflict with AP calculus. It means that the nerdiest of the nerds(think about it: AP MATH and COMPSCI!!! ...not to mention AP Physics) will be sharing a class with me at least 1/4 of the time next year. They say that the more you spend time with a certain group of people, you are more likely to be influenced by them. Let's just hope I won't get indulged in "Lan Parties" as my main form of entertainment by these future Waterloo students.

Yes, it seems like I'm contridicting myself here. I've been calling myself a nerd for the last couple of posts. And now, I am seemingly refering to them as these "other people" with a negative connotation. WHAT THE HELL I'M TALKING ABOUT?????

Honestly, I don't know either. It's not just me who is sending mixed messages about this word. In fact, almost everyone I know seemed to refer this term with 2 different meanings constantly. So err, take it easy on this 17 year old kid okay?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Physics is Phun

My transformation into a nerd continues...

It started off with actually doing homework and studying in summer school data, and continued as I started my "self studying" sessions for grade 12, and now, I am actually finding physics pretty interesting!

While physics was my lowest mark last year, I know it is absolutely crucial for me to pick up the slack this summer and next year for me personally. My prospective major in university is basically, lo and behold, math and physics! The fact that I don't really mind doing all these "phun" problems is just an added bonus. I really need to get the "Albert Einstein" in me going.

Yesterday, I worked the "William Shakespeare" in me to the extreme. I spent hours plotting the novel in my head, even including "inceptioning" myself during my dreams. I'm pretty satisfied with the current big idea right now.

Clue for today? Well, since I'm such a big math and physics fan, plus the fact that this novel's title is "infinity", it is only appropriate that the symbol below have a huge role in the plot of my novel.

Also to note, for the shear creativity purpose. I would include a poem at the beginning of every chapter of this novel. I'm sure this is a pretty unique idea among writers everywhere. Hopefully, I can make this idea stick.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Summer? What summer?

As I reached the halfway point of the summer between the grade of dissapointment and probably a turning point of my life. I'm wondering to myself, what kind of summer did I really have?

Summer school data did go pretty well in July, and now I'm doing some prep work for grade 12 in August. Just as I type out this blog entry, I am actually "procrastinating" on my studying of circular motion. Though I might be having the nerdiest summer of all time, it is definitely not without some interesting moments.

Plan for writing? I actually got quite a bit.

If you payed attention to my rumblings on facebook, you'd realize that I've been kicking around the idea of my first novel. Yes, the title will change from "Adventureland" to "Infinity" and yes, I've slightly altered the plot( if you ever saw my facebook note about the original plot that is).

So why the change of name? What kind of twist did I pull? I'll give you a few subtle hints right now. They say that the beginning of the novel is an extremely important aspect, and this is percisely what I will give you right now:

Travis was running away. He did not what he was running away from, or where he was running to. However, at that present moment, running away never felt so refreshing, so darn good.

Yes, Travis is "running away" from something. What is he running away from? Where is he running to? You as the reader, will be just as confused as the main character himself and will uncover clues along with Travis throughout this novel.

Let me tell you right now: chapter 1, which I think would be written in a week or so, will raise way more questions than it will answer. It tells you nothing about the plot, or what is going to happen next. However, that is precisely my intention.

Enjoy August guys!