Monday, April 26, 2010

From procrastination to more procrastination

Welcome to the life of a teenage boy, where life is pretty damn tough. You got to deal with everything like a man... including procrastination. Yesterday, I have to work 10 hours straight on a bio project due today. You may ask me why in the world did I delay it for THIS long? Well, good question, I'm wondering the same!

Now today, I am up to that task yet again! Even I have a few math sheets to complete and a few summatives looming, I find myself unable to do anything school related. To make it worse I didn't do anything book related either. :/

Speaking of the book, I promise I'll get everything done by May 1st

...with procrastination???? I hope not!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

an unfortunate realization

I just realized that I have no talent whatsoever. I can't draw, I don't play any musical instruments, I don't know how to use photoshop. It feels like my only artistic release is through my writing.

That just reminded me...can anyone good with photography please provide me some help? :(

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Back on track

I gotta admit, I was kinda sidetracked the last week and a half on some... erm... stupid stuff. ( I don't think I need to get to that).

No, I did not run for anything this year even though I kinda wanted to. Too much drama, I don't like it and crappy SAC doesn't really mean much anyways. I need to focus my attention on more important things, and that thing is definitely my book!

after thinking for a while, I decide to only roll out two and a half new work in this book. It will still continue 20 pieces of short stories/poems(somehow ;D). I did some cutting and trimming on some other parts such as the intro and the stuff at the end. More details on these specifics I will tell you later but I want to tell you now the NEW stuff I want to ADD.


Yes, my new edition will be illustrated! NOT by me of course( it would be distorted stick figures if that was the case), but by a few of my friends. I haven't worked out the exact kinks on this yet, but I am sure these guys will not disappoint :P

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another long weekend for me, time to get more work done!

Wow, how amazing was that, I finished everything I was supposed to on time this Monday! I hope all of you already read the table of contents, authors note and dedications, if not, they can be found on facebook(it's open to everybody).

Technically, this is my second and last school day of the week for me. Tomorrow is literacy test for the 10s and Friday is a buffet for accounting conference. Btw, did I mention how much I despise accounting? Oh well, at least I get a day of free buffet from this course!

Me being free with very little homework needed to be finished means more writing time for moi. Whether I am going to spend the time wisely or not, really depend on how successful I am at fighting the lazy guy within me. However, after I spilled out the bs that happened to me during the fall to my friends, I feel alot more motivated to get this thing going again.

So it's back to pen and paper for me again, or more realistically, typing keyboards on the computer!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Throwing some schedule in

One thing I usually like to do is to make a schedule for myself. The problem is, I usually don't follow them! In order to put more pressure on myself as well as informing you guys. I will post here the official(tentative) schedule of "imagine a world" and even my novel "Chicklet"

April 5th- Official Table of Contents, Author's note and NEW dedications out

April 15th- Rough draft of new work done

April 30th- All primary editing done

May - I will be handing this over to my parents and go through a few adults and then contact UNICEF again.

June 20-30 My target for the second edition of "imagine a world" to be printed out

July and August - Fundraising! Publicizing! Making the noise as loud as possible.

September- October - Who knows what I would be doing in the school around this time, I really don't want to bother with those guys in the administration again.

September 2010- April 2011- SUPER BUSY.... marks... university aps, scholarship essays... oh Gawd!

May 2011 - September 2011- OFFICIAL commencement to my writing of the book "Chicklet"

June 2012 - My target date for the submission of the manuscript to publishing agents.