It started off with actually doing homework and studying in summer school data, and continued as I started my "self studying" sessions for grade 12, and now, I am actually finding physics pretty interesting!
While physics was my lowest mark last year, I know it is absolutely crucial for me to pick up the slack this summer and next year for me personally. My prospective major in university is basically, lo and behold, math and physics! The fact that I don't really mind doing all these "phun" problems is just an added bonus. I really need to get the "Albert Einstein" in me going.
Yesterday, I worked the "William Shakespeare" in me to the extreme. I spent hours plotting the novel in my head, even including "inceptioning" myself during my dreams. I'm pretty satisfied with the current big idea right now.
Clue for today? Well, since I'm such a big math and physics fan, plus the fact that this novel's title is "infinity", it is only appropriate that the symbol below have a huge role in the plot of my novel.
Also to note, for the shear creativity purpose. I would include a poem at the beginning of every chapter of this novel. I'm sure this is a pretty unique idea among writers everywhere. Hopefully, I can make this idea stick.
My perspective major in university
PROspective! LOL
And I like how that infinity symbol is rainbow coloured ;)
Yes,you can do that to all my posts. Comments are always welcome. ;)
About the colour... I was just too lazy and picked the first one off google images. :P
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